Natural & Artificial Sweeteners

For every new sweetener that gets discovered, there seems to be a wave of skeptics that question safety and other concerns. Here, we will explore a number of popular natural and artificial sweeteners with an...

Why Are Fats Important in Your Diet? The Benefits of Healthy Fats

Dietary fat has had a pendulum-like reputation for the last several decades. Once demonized as a leading cause of heart disease, dietary fat is now on the upswing, featured in promising medical research and meal...

Food Swaps That Aren’t As Healthy As You Think

When someone makes a food swap, they might think that they’re making a healthy change but in reality, they’re doing the opposite. The swap may be a little better than what they were eating before, but not enough...

Protect Muscles and Increase Strength with Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Imagine if, by the time you are ready for retirement, you had lost over 30% of your muscle mass. Your risk for slips, falls, and injuries have skyrocketed, and you’ll lose your independence soon after....

The Pros And Cons Of Ketogenic Diets

If you’re someone who is looking for a new diet to try, you may be considering a ketogenic diet plan. Very popular right now amongst the mainstream media, it can feel like everyone is following...

Sneaky Ways Sugar Is Making Its Way Into Your Menu

When it comes to your nutrition plan, one thing that you must be on the lookout for is sugar. Gone are the days where dietary fat is the enemy. Now we are realizing that the...