Cheers to Health: A Festive Sugar-Free Mocktail Recipe

  The holiday season calls for celebration and delicious drinks, but what if you're looking for a healthier option? We have the perfect solution for you. Say hello to our Sugar-Free Cranberry Rosemary Mocktail! This...

Put the Brakes on Incontinence

Do you suffer from an overactive bladder? If you answered yes, know that you are not alone. Urinary incontinence is a fact of life for many people, women in particular, sometimes even before the onset...

Urinary Issues: No Longer A Life Sentence

Are you experiencing urinary issues? If so, rest assured, you’re not alone. According to the Urology Care Foundation, a quarter to one-third of American men and women live with some sort of incontinence.[1] A true...

High Blood Pressure: Causes and Natural Ways to Combat It

It is estimated that about one out of every four people in this country have hypertension. Each year, there are 2 million new cases of high blood pressure diagnosed and the number seems to be...

Nature’s 7 Healers

Health and wellness is everyone’s birthright including yours! Cultivate a life that includes the tools found in Nature’s 7 Healers and you are guaranteed to enhance your overall health and well-being. You deserve to live a life...

Yes, It Could Be Menopause

Menopause might seem like an unnavigable time in any woman’s life but it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming, confusing and scary experience. A few signposts along the way and some helpful guidance could turn...

Fun and Healthy Ways to Celebrate the 4th of July

Every 4th of July is a chance to embrace the freedom we have as Americans and our communal love for our country. It’s the perfect occasion to gather with family and friends, this year more...

Healthy Alternatives to Your Different Cravings

Whether we crave salt, sugar, alcohol, nicotine or a myriad of other enticers, it is possible to adopt a few ways to help lower their frequency or to replace these not-so-good-for-us habits with healthier, more...

Confinement and Weight Gain

The link between food, mood, and weight gain Have you been worrying about your “quarantine-15”?1 Don’t worry—there is a scientific reason that so many people are dealing with unwanted weight gain during confinement amidst the...