Increasing That Calorie Burn

There are many factors to weight loss, such as, calculating calories in versus calories out, paying attention to the type of food we eat, portion sizes, and the exercise routines we integrate. There are also...

Exercise Doesn’t Have to Be a Pain in the Glutes

The three muscles that make up the glutes are the Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, and Gluteus minimus. Today we will highlighting 4 exercises that will help you strengthen these muscles and help alleviate knee and...

The Importance of Sleep for your Overall Health, Hormone Balance, and Stress Reduction

How we feel and function while awake depends a lot on how well we sleep and for how long. Each person is different in how many hours they need to sleep each night. The average...

Stuck in a Weight-Loss Rut? Here's How to Pull Out of It

Weight loss can feel like a huge uphill battle for many.  Often, when we start a diet or a new program to help us achieve our goal, the weight tends to come off faster in...

3 ways to balance gut health for a happier mood

There are many factors that can affect our moods. Our thoughts are a big one for sure, and I know I have gotten “Hangry” many times. That’s the combination of hungry and angry, making someone...

Welcome to Meaghan Mcelroen, our new health expert

Meaghan is an outdoor enthusiast who found her passion while traveling Europe. A Certified Holistic Health Coach and NASM Certified Personal Trainer, she specializes in guiding men and women to transition from autopilot to intuitive...