Simply Delicious Fall Comfort Food

Tired of the usual go-to recipes you’ve been making for you and the family for years? Kick things up a notch with 3 delectable fall recipes that are sure to become some of your all-time...

Salad: When Should You Eat It?

Whether you choose to eat a salad before, during, or after your main meal, studies have shown that the mere fact that salad is included with any meal, can reduce energy intake, i.e. calories, by...

The Real Story Behind Vision Loss

Sight is the most important way we experience the world. However, inflammation, oxidation, and age can have a huge impact on the way we see the world. Never has there been a time when eye health...

Can Coffee Really Protect You from Alzheimer’s Disease?

The global population of older adults is expected to increase by 17 percent by 2050, and this has medical professionals becoming concerned with the potential cost burden related to Alzheimer’s and dementia, two of the...

The Egg-ceptional Properties of Eggs

For decades, avoided like the plague because of its cholesterol content. This belief overshadowed the healthful nutrients found in little these spheres of goodness. While high cholesterol is a real concern for many, if you...

Nature’s 7 Healers

Health and wellness is everyone’s birthright including yours! Cultivate a life that includes the tools found in Nature’s 7 Healers and you are guaranteed to enhance your overall health and well-being. You deserve to live a life...

Don't Go Belly Up During Menopause

We often associate weight gain with menopause, but the truth is, there could be many reasons we gain weight. While menopause could play a small role in weight gain due to hormonal changes, especially around...

Tackling Bladder Issues Doesn't Have to Be Scary

Prescription drugs made for bladder issues may be effective but usually come with a laundry list of unpleasant side effects like nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches and more. You shouldn’t have to replace one debilitating symptom...

Healthy Alternatives to Your Different Cravings

Whether we crave salt, sugar, alcohol, nicotine or a myriad of other enticers, it is possible to adopt a few ways to help lower their frequency or to replace these not-so-good-for-us habits with healthier, more...