Seaweed and Its Anti-Aging Properties

One of the ocean’s greatest life-giving elements is seaweed, also known as, macroalgae. This omnipotent organism not only provides nutrients and sustenance to marine life but it has also been shown to be a valuable...

Plant Based Diet Benefits

If you’ve been a carnivore all your life, you may not think twice about dishing up a steak for dinner or cooking up some ham for lunch. But more and more people are starting to...

Healthy Classic Vintage Breakfast Dishes

Looking for something new to try for breakfast? If your breakfast typically consists of oatmeal with fruit, cereal with milk, or eggs alongside some avocado, chances are you are bored and ready for a break.

Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes

Many people are under the impression that salads are one of the healthiest foods you can eat but yet, if you dress it up poorly, they can be devastating to your diet.The wrong fix-ins coupled...

Sugar-Free Brownie Recipes

If you’re trying to satisfy your craving for something sweet, chocolaty, and delicious, brownies probably sound pretty good right now. But most people realize that brownies are not part of a healthy diet. Or are...

4 Health Foods You MUST Try

If you’re hoping to take your health to new levels in the coming year, it’s important that you familiarize yourself with the best foods out there. Remember that seeing success in your journey isn’t just...