The Importance of Sleep for your Overall Health, Hormone Balance, and Stress Reduction

How we feel and function while awake depends a lot on how well we sleep and for how long. Each person is different in how many hours they need to sleep each night. The average...

Blood Pressure: What Causes it and New Technologies

Each year, there are 2 million new cases of high blood pressure diagnosed and the number seems to be rising. It is also the most chronic illness that we as Americans face today. So, what...

Stress, Women, and Diabetes

Stress plays a key role in our lives and typically helps us overcome day-to-day challenges. It alerts us, allows us to prioritize and focus on tasks at hand. But stress can also cause health complications...

An Ode to Dads: Then and Now

Fatherhood is a commitment that involves patience, perseverance and, of course, love. We thought we’d take a snapshot of dads seventy years ago and fathers today. What has changed? What hasn’t?

Weight Loss Tips After 40

It seems as though our body decides to play a cruel trick on us by tacking on the extra weight, seemingly overnight. It’s important to understand why this happens and more importantly, what can be...

An Overview of the Gut-Brain Link

It might seem funny to consider how your gut can influence your brain…but think about it—have you ever experienced a “gut feeling”? Here, you’ll get an idea of how the microbial life in your gut...

Healthy Alternatives to Your Different Cravings

Whether we crave salt, sugar, alcohol, nicotine or a myriad of other enticers, it is possible to adopt a few ways to help lower their frequency or to replace these not-so-good-for-us habits with healthier, more...

Fighting Chronic Stress and Building Resilience

Stress is one of the things in life that we just cannot avoid. In fact, things or events that activate our stress response, or stressors, are everywhere in the environment and can include things like...

Keeping the Moms We Love Young: Lifestyle Changes to Boost Youth

Aging is a natural process for all living organisms, but it doesn’t mean that you have to stop feeling and looking younger as you move through the years. Let’s dive into some of the evidence-based...