How to Overcome Brain Fog

Have you been struggling to grasp certain thoughts? Are you bogged down throughout the day because you just can’t clear your head? Well, you may be experiencing the effects of brain fog. Fortunately, science has...

Make Your Heart Happy This Valentine’s Day ❤️

Whether you have a significant other or not, one of the most important relationships you can foster is the one you have with your heart. That’s right, your heart. This not particularly pretty beat keeper...

Why February Feels So Long Despite Being the Shortest Month

Each year, we deal with the excessively long, cold, and dimly lit season of winter that seems to drag on while we patiently await spring. After making it through the exhaustive 31 days of January,...

Gut feelings: what happens when you have poor digestion and how you can make it better

Originally published on Health & Nature News How good is your gut instinct?  For many people it might seem like all their gut ever does is complain.  Nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, constipation, bloating, flatulence- these...

Sleep Better, Reduce Stress, And Combat Anxiety With These Simple Exercises

Ask yourself this: when was the last time that you had a good night’s sleep? And by good night’s sleep, I mean you awoke feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to start your day? Been a...

VVA... Do you know what it is?

There is an association between VVA and painful intercourse, called dyspareunia, which is estimated to affect around half of all women at some point in their lives. Inadequate lubrication is a common cause of dyspareunia which...

The Health Benefits of Ashitaba

You won’t want to overlook what Ashitaba has to offer you. This plant has been around for many years, and is often considered to be one of the top medicinal plants available today. It’s sometimes...

Say Konnichiwa (Hello) To Your Youth - With These 4 Natural Anti-Aging Super-Boosters

Ashitaba – The Key To Longevity Ashitaba is a bitter herb that grows primarily in the central region of Japan. It is sometimes referred to as ‘tomorrow’s leaf’ because it grows very fast. The roots,...

Meditation and Your Mental Health: What to Know

Mental health is sadly a very underrated element of health that people consider. We’re very wrapped up in heart disease, stroke, as well as diabetes, and doing all we can to prevent these, on a...