Easy Winter Activities for Retirees

Don’t let yourself stay glued to the couch just because it’s cold outside. Here are some great activities that you can do during the winter to stay fit. This list includes both inside and outside...

Don't Go Belly Up During Menopause

We often associate weight gain with menopause, but the truth is, there could be many reasons we gain weight. While menopause could play a small role in weight gain due to hormonal changes, especially around...

Weight Loss Tips After 40

It seems as though our body decides to play a cruel trick on us by tacking on the extra weight, seemingly overnight. It’s important to understand why this happens and more importantly, what can be...

Natural & Artificial Sweeteners

For every new sweetener that gets discovered, there seems to be a wave of skeptics that question safety and other concerns. Here, we will explore a number of popular natural and artificial sweeteners with an...

Confinement and Weight Gain

The link between food, mood, and weight gain Have you been worrying about your “quarantine-15”?1 Don’t worry—there is a scientific reason that so many people are dealing with unwanted weight gain during confinement amidst the...

Expert Tips on How to Stop Unconscious Snacking

We’ve all found ourselves mindlessly indulging in comfort foods from the force of habit or to try to feel better after a bad day. Unconscious snacking may feel good at the moment, but it can...

Why Are Fats Important in Your Diet? The Benefits of Healthy Fats

Dietary fat has had a pendulum-like reputation for the last several decades. Once demonized as a leading cause of heart disease, dietary fat is now on the upswing, featured in promising medical research and meal...

Hormone Balance For Women Over 50

From the very moment we are conceived, until our final breath, ‘hormones’ play an integral part in our health and overall well-being. Each and every step of life is influenced by an ever-present cascade of hormones....

Food Swaps That Aren’t As Healthy As You Think

When someone makes a food swap, they might think that they’re making a healthy change but in reality, they’re doing the opposite. The swap may be a little better than what they were eating before, but not enough...